New Age Exposed

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, 
but instead expose them.
— Ephesians 5:11


A Call To Vigilance
A pastoral instruction on the New Age movement from Archbishop Norberto Rivera Carrera of Mexico, January 7, 1996.
     This document "examines the origin and content of the New Age movement, the reasons for its rapid spread, its incompatibility with the Gospel, and the responsibility of all Catholics to counteract its influence." It also talks about its links with environmentalism, gnosticism, pseudo-science, and Eastern religion such as reincarnation and non-Christian meditation.

Guidelines for Evaluating Reiki as an Alternative Therapy
From the USCCB, March 25, 2009.

Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life: A Christian Reflection on the New Age
A Church document from the Pontifical Council for Culture and Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.


Our Lady's Warriors (click "Dissent" in their sidebar)
Here you will find a list of links not only to some dissenting groups, but also information on many topics on the New Age movement and the Eastern Religions it adapts to itself.

Women of Grace Q & A New Age Blog


New Age Deception
Sharon Lee Giganti was heavily involved in the New Age movement as an Abraham Ambassador for the Law of Attraction, and a Course in Miracles and New Thought teacher. She and those around her whom she loved experienced the dire consequences of these false philosophies and spiritualities she was living and promoting. Now a popular speaker and guest on such radio shows as Catholic Answers Live, she exposes the very real dangers of the New Age movement.

Spirit Battle For Souls (Moira Noonan
This is Moira Noonan's site. Having been heavily involved in various aspects of the New Age movement "she became certified or developed expertise in" such areas as astrology, hypnotherapy, Past-Life Regression therapy, neuro-linguistic programming, crystals, Course in Miracles, and other esoteric occult practices." Moira was also a master Reiki healer, New Age minister, and clairvoyant. "After a series of conversion experiences" she now exposes the dangers of the New Age movement, "explaining the deeper meaning and influences".
     Here you will also find links to some of the interviews she has done on radio and television.

ARTICLES (see also the above Web sites and blog)

* Church and the New Age Movement, The
This is an article by John B. Shea, M.D., F.R.C.P. [C], August 4, 2005. 
     It touches upon how the New Age movement defines spirituality and God, Jungian dream analysis, Reiki, gnosticism, echo spirituality, star in my heart, reflexology, praying with Kabir, dancing with the cosmos, creation centered spirituality (Matthew Fox), Edwina Gately, Tai Chi, cosmic culture of the center, labyrinth, therapeutic touch, centering prayer, and yoga. Shea also cites the duties of religious superiors and bishops per Canon Law, and he includes source references.


Frequently Asked Questions about Exorcism (USCCB)

Page last updated: August 18, 2016
