Welcome home!
A note on how the information on this page is organized: This page has information about and for: about the intellectual journeys people have taken that have led them home to the Catholic Church, and for people who wonder why anyone would want to leave x belief system and join the Catholic Church, for people who might be thinking of joining x faith but have some nagging doubt about its claim to truth, and for those who have other reasons. How does one list so many faith journeys into a consistent and organized list that is user-friendly at the same time? I don't claim to know the answer, but this is my attempt nevertheless.
So, the converts are listed by last affiliation before coming home, with clergy listed first in each category, and with the person's journey listed in brackets.
Books: Titles of books with conversion stories are at the bottom of this page. People in these books have “(book)” after their name and former religious affiliation.
More: There are also many more conversion testimonies at Coming Home Network International.
A work in progress: The definition of this page ;)
Coming Home Network International
Founded by former Presbyterian minister Marcus Grodi after seeing a plethora of Protestant pastors entering the Catholic faith. Although they support and have resources for anyone thinking about joining the Church, they are especially useful for ministers, pastors, and others within Protestant leadership positions on their journey.
Crawford, Adam (Calvary Chapel, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Nondenominational, Protestant pastor)
Freeman, Ernie (Assemblies of God pastor) (video)
Grodi, Marcus (Congregationalist, Presbyterian minister) (BOOK)
Ordway, Holly, Ph.D. (Atheist, non-Catholic Christian)
Beck, Stephen (Evangelical, Presbyterian: OPC) (audio)
Forrester, Pam (Protestant, Evangelical Free Church) (text) (video) (BOOK)
* Richardson, Natalie (Reformed Baptist)
Lu, Rachel, Ph.D. (LDS/Mormon) (audio) (text: short version)
See also:
From Protestantism > Smith, Thomas (LDS/Mormon, ...)
From New Age / Occult > Edwards, Libby (..., LDS/Mormon, ...)
Schoeman, Roy (see From Atheism)
* Edwards, Libby (Protestant, LDS/Mormon, Neopagan Witch)
Fulwiler, Jennifer (Atheist) (VIDEOS: The Journey Home, *Renewal Ministries)
See also:
NOTE: The books below are not linked to. Please patronize your local library, or Catholic or other book store.

Surprised By Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic
Patrick Madrid, Editor. Basilica Press: Dallas, 1994 (reprinted 2011).
Surprised By Truth 2: 15 Men and Women Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic
Patrick Madrid, Editor. Sophia Institute Press: Manchester, 2000
Surprised By Truth 3: 10 More Converts Explain the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic
Patrick Madrid, Editor. Sophia Institute Press: Manchester, Reprint edition 2002
Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism
Scott & Kimberly Hahn, Ignatius Press: San Francisco, 1993

Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church
Stephen K. Ray, Ignatius Press: San Francisco, 1997
Ransomed from Darkness: The New Age, Christian Faith and the Battle for Souls
Moira Noonan, North Bay Books: El Sobrante, 2005

From Atheism to Catholicism: How Scientists and Philosophers Led Me to Truth
Kevin Vost, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing: Huntington, 2010
Page last updated: 2020.06.07
A note on how the information on this page is organized: This page has information about and for: about the intellectual journeys people have taken that have led them home to the Catholic Church, and for people who wonder why anyone would want to leave x belief system and join the Catholic Church, for people who might be thinking of joining x faith but have some nagging doubt about its claim to truth, and for those who have other reasons. How does one list so many faith journeys into a consistent and organized list that is user-friendly at the same time? I don't claim to know the answer, but this is my attempt nevertheless.
So, the converts are listed by last affiliation before coming home, with clergy listed first in each category, and with the person's journey listed in brackets.
Books: Titles of books with conversion stories are at the bottom of this page. People in these books have “(book)” after their name and former religious affiliation.
More: There are also many more conversion testimonies at Coming Home Network International.
Considering joining the Catholic Church? If you or someone you know is considering coming home to the Catholic Church, please contact your local Catholic church (parish) or Catholic diocese for information on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) program in your area.
(I have heard that some parishes might not get back to you until closer to when their RCIA program begins for the season, which is usually in September.)
A work in progress: The definition of this page ;)
Founded by former Presbyterian minister Marcus Grodi after seeing a plethora of Protestant pastors entering the Catholic faith. Although they support and have resources for anyone thinking about joining the Church, they are especially useful for ministers, pastors, and others within Protestant leadership positions on their journey.
ARTICLE: The Verses I Never Saw As A Protestant Pastor, by Marcus Grodi
Crawford, Adam (Calvary Chapel, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Nondenominational, Protestant pastor)
Freeman, Ernie (Assemblies of God pastor) (video)
Grodi, Marcus (Congregationalist, Presbyterian minister) (BOOK)
Hahn, Scott, Ph.D. (Presbyterian minister) (AUDIO: 1989 talk) (VIDEOS: 2004, 2008, 2010 Q&A with Scott & Kimberly Hahn) (BOOK)
Johnson, Joseph, Ph.D. (Baptist, Non-denomination, charismatic, Presbyterian: various, minister) (video)Longenecker, Fr. Dwight (Evangelical, Anglican priest) (BOOK)
Smith, Thomas (LDS/Mormon, Church of God in Christ, Baptist minister)
Stellman, Jason (Calvary Chapel missionary, Presbyterian: PCA minister) (audio interview) (*audio) (video)
Stewart, Jason & Cindy (Presbyterian pastor: PCA) (audio) (video)
Stellman, Jason (Calvary Chapel missionary, Presbyterian: PCA minister) (audio interview) (*audio) (video)
Stewart, Jason & Cindy (Presbyterian pastor: PCA) (audio) (video)
Beck, Stephen (Evangelical, Presbyterian: OPC) (audio)
Forrester, Pam (Protestant, Evangelical Free Church) (text) (video) (BOOK)
* Richardson, Natalie (Reformed Baptist)
Witz, Annie ( Presbyterian: OPC) (audio)
- NOTE: The Melkite Greek Catholic Church is part of the one Catholic Church so recognize the Pope as the Vicar of Christ. It just uses a different liturgical rite than the Latin, aka Roman, rite.
Lu, Rachel, Ph.D. (LDS/Mormon) (audio) (text: short version)
See also:
From Protestantism > Smith, Thomas (LDS/Mormon, ...)
From New Age / Occult > Edwards, Libby (..., LDS/Mormon, ...)
Schoeman, Roy (see From Atheism)
Noonan, Moira (Catholic, New Age minister) (see her book below)
Fulwiler, Jennifer (Atheist) (VIDEOS: The Journey Home, *Renewal Ministries)
* Libresco, Leah (Atheist) (Yale graduate)
Vost, Kevin (Atheist) (BOOK)See also:
From Protestantism > Ordway, Holly, Ph.D. (Atheist, …)
From Protestantism > Rose, Devin (Atheist, …)
NOTE: The books below are not linked to. Please patronize your local library, or Catholic or other book store.

Surprised By Truth: 11 Converts Give the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic
Patrick Madrid, Editor. Basilica Press: Dallas, 1994 (reprinted 2011).
- 271 pages
- Jimmy Akin, Dave Armstrong, Rick Conason, T.L. Frazier, Marcus Grodi (Presbyterian minister), Al Kresta, Tim Staples (Assemblies of God minister), Bob Sungenis, Julie Swenson, Paul Thigpen (Presbyterian, associate pastor charismatic parish), Steve Wood.

Patrick Madrid, Editor. Sophia Institute Press: Manchester, 2000
- 298 pages
- Martin K. Barrack (Jewish), Jeff Childers (Church of Christ), Steve Clifford (LDS), Tim Drake (Lutheran), Kristine L. Franklin, John Gibson (Wiccan), Laura Johnson (Methodist), Carolyn Kollegger, Mary Beth Kremski (Pentecostal), Kevin M. Lowry, Nancy Montgomery ('Cafeteria' Catholic), Lynn Nordhagen, Eric Pavlat, Fr. Ray Ryland
Surprised By Truth 3: 10 More Converts Explain the Biblical and Historical Reasons for Becoming Catholic
Patrick Madrid, Editor. Sophia Institute Press: Manchester, Reprint edition 2002
- 320 pages
- Msgr. Stuart Swetland; David Mills (Anglican); Greg and Julie Alexander; Carl E. Olson; Paul C. Fox, M.D. (Christian Commune); Pam Forrester; Dwight Longenecker (Anglican priest); Pete Vere, JCL; Br. Paul Campbell, LC; Patty Bonds (sister of James White)
Scott & Kimberly Hahn, Ignatius Press: San Francisco, 1993
- 198 pages

Crossing the Tiber: Evangelical Protestants Discover the Historical Church
Stephen K. Ray, Ignatius Press: San Francisco, 1997
- 284 pages
- Heavily footnoted
- Index
Ransomed from Darkness: The New Age, Christian Faith and the Battle for Souls
Moira Noonan, North Bay Books: El Sobrante, 2005
- 175 pages

From Atheism to Catholicism: How Scientists and Philosophers Led Me to Truth
Kevin Vost, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing: Huntington, 2010
- 216 pages
- Endnotes
Page last updated: 2020.06.07
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